Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A peep into my future

I have lived just 1/3rd of my life. The journey has been thus far very convincing and enjoyable. My kiddishness is gone, my adolescense is gone, I have been "behaving" a man for a while now. Henceforth, the journey looks very depressing, very selfish and unenjoyable. The following attributes are going to define my life.

Success yardstick

The career and materialism growth rate is directly proportional to the rate of success I obtain in the coming years. Interestingly, as an example if I achieve 2 certifications and 3 MVPs in next two years, it would mean I get promoted in two years and 1/3rd increase in my materialism. That would mean, I have to be 150% workaholic.

Failure yardstick

The "non-liveable" and "liveable" factor both are directly proportional to the rate of failures. This is a dangerous yardstick. Although it gives the amount of depression I carry over, it also provides an yardstick to measure that I had lived through it. Balancing out will be the toughest part to live through.

Entertainment yardstick

This is another yardstick to measure the "liveability". A cross-functional product of this with the success yardstick gives the measure for better and healthier growth rate. Interestingly this cross-functional product varies inverse-exponentially with the failure yardstick.

Smile yardstick

This is going to be the best of the yardsticks. I would love to measure it, but sadly this yardstick is going to be the least important growth rate wise. Even then, this yardstick is quite important in that, a maintenance of 5 on 10 on an average for the next 10-15 years will be the best for this yardstick.

Did I get too much carried away by self-assessment? May be I should add a "psycho" yardstick, drug yardstick and criminalism yardstick. But I strongly feel, I would not even have time to measure the four primary yardsticks. Enough of gyan, now, get back to your work!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Another year has arrived with full of glory and fantasy. Let me tighten my shoes for yet another year of adventure and fun! Thinking back, 2006 had been one of my most active year. Let me list down the fun... Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Had a few Japanese classes.
Had a few Guitar classes.
Learnt cooking and been living very independantly for the first time in life.

Created my first blog and maintained(toughly) the blogspot.
Caught up with school, college friends (thanks to Orkut).
Been away from family and friends for the longest time in life.
Bought a land at hometown for my precious parents!

Flew for the first time in life that too on Boeing.
Flew in a turboprop (thanks to Horizon Air) for first time in life.
Travelled to US for the first time in life.
Saw the states Washington, California, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, New Jersey/New York, Oregan, Georgia and Nevada.
Tried for a Italian, German and Canadian visa but got rejected.
Been part of road trips from Los Angeles to San Francisco and from New Orleans to Dallas-Fortworth.
Saw snow for the first time in life.
Skied for the first time in life.

Hit 200 pounds and back to 180 pounds all in 4 months.
Watched most movies in a year... should definetely be more that 365! and in Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, English, Japanese, Chinese and Italian languages.
Watched the entire Friends serial (well, though only one season is remaining).

Had hands dirty with the Professor's cube for the first time in life.
Created a program to solve the Sudoku game and tested successfully with the hardest games.
In a Java project for the first time in life.
Worked with a world's few prestigous clients.. Microsoft, Motorola and CISCO.
Gone down the ratings in Algorithms at Topcoder (with two worst competitions).

Bought an hard disk of 250GB.
Bought Motorazr mobile lost and then bought Nokia 6133.
Had the worst burglary attempts in life losing a laptop, mobile and wallet (two credit cards, a debit card, SSN and Indian driving license).

Gambled for the first time in life - lost around $400 in one occasion and won around $150 in the second.
Maxed my alcohol limits to 13 beers, awesome!
Taken cocaine for the first time in life.
Been hospitalized for the first time in life and tested by a Neurosurgeon and Psychiatrist
due to alcohols.
Took lap dances from a few gorgeous girls first time in life.
Been taken care by NYPD, Chicago Police dept and Bellevue police in three different occasions.